Past Continuous Usage 1: Action at exact time on clock

Time, at which an action was taking place, takes a few forms in Past Continuous. We can express it with an event, a situation, another incomplete or complete action, a calendar date, or literally, the time itself. Yes, I mean time on clock. In this lesson we are going to talk about the exact time on clock when action was taking place. In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the 3 conditions when we can use Past Continuous:

1. Action was taking place in the past

2. Action was incomplete (continuous)

3. Indication of exact time on clock, a particular moment when the action was taking place

I was watching a movie at 3 pm yesterday.

Time of action: Past Continuous Tense
Time, at which an action was taking place.

Quick recap:

1. Action was taking place in the past: yesterday

2 Action was incomplete / unfinished vs complete / finished: was watching vs watched

3 Action was taking place at exact time on clock: at 3 pm

Time, at which an action was taking place, in Past Continuous it can be expressed in other ways. Continue learning.

Also on Past Continuous:

Back to: Past Continuous Tense, also Past Progressive

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