Repeated actions: Present simple. Well, additionally, they can be habitual actions. We use Present Simple to refer to an action or event that takes place regularly, repeatedly or habitually in the present. For repeated habitual actions in the past, please, refer to Repeated actions: Past Continuous Tense.

Another key point, this action takes place at different frequencies, including marginal frequencies like never and always.
I come home exactly at 5. (regularly, habitually)
However, action MUST take place in the present. Only in this case, it will qualify for this particular use of the Present Simple tense.
She comes home and immediately starts playing video games (as can be seen, regular and habitual action)
This is the example of repeated action, however, frequency is unknown (always, every day, usually, frequently, sometimes, seldom, rarely)
This big company produces A LOT of plastic waste. (frequency is unclear, but it’s repeated)
More on Present Simple: