Present Simple Usage 5: To state facts

Stating facts in Present Simple” is just a smaller version of the lesson. See a detailed comparison between general realities, unchanging situations, and facts.

Facts are very close to general realities, general truths, and world truths in the present. Moreover, general realities, general truths, and world truths are basically facts. However, I separate them into a separate category.

General realities and truths, world truths, basically, mean the same. In order to use Present Simple in this sense, the general reality must take place in the present. This is important. For general realities and general truths, we can use other tenses too. Past Simple, for example. We can even use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous! So, how do we know that we need to use Present Simple for general realities? The condition is that the reality or truth is always true (generally true). This is the reason why they call it general truths. It was, and most importantly, it is now (that’s why Present Simple) true. It will most probably stay true (at least in the foreseeable future).

Sydney is one of Australia’s largest cities.

 Dolphins use their conical shaped teeth to capture fast moving prey.

So, what’s the difference between general realities and facts? Honestly, I don’t see any. However, I can suggest that general realities (general truths, world truths) are the result or effect of scientific formula or process.


 Two plus two makes four. Water freezes at zero degrees. (general reality – regularity, formula based)

 Two plus two makes four. Water freezes at zero degrees. (general reality – regularity, formula based)

 Computers use binary – the digits 0 and 1 – to store data. (fact)

It is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact. However, it’s important the speaker believes it’s true, or pretends to believe it.

This kind of coffee tastes good.

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