Present Perfect 5: Недавнее действие QuizBy Watch Lessons / April 13, 2022 Please sign up for the course before taking this quiz. 1. Choose the correct sentence1 Test on Present Perfect: Recent Action A police van just drive past, winding its way through the smoke A police van has just driven past, winding its way through the smoke 2. Choose the best option1 Test on Present Perfect: Recent Action The company recently dealt with numerous complaints over the nature of so-called freemium games being advertised as free downloads while effectively hiding major features behind in-app purchases The company has recently dealt with numerous complaints over the nature of so-called freemium games being advertised as free downloads while effectively hiding major features behind in-app purchases Present Perfect 4: Действия в незавершенном периоде времени: в этом году Present Perfect 6: Действие в прошлом с последствиями в настоящем (результаты в настоящем) Back to: Present Perfect 5: Недавнее действие