Introduction to Tenses – a must-learn course

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Introduction to Tenses: 5 Types of Sentences

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5 types of English sentences, classified by their purpose:

Declarative Sentence

Declarative sentence makes a statement, expresses opinion. It ends with a period “.”

Interrogative Sentence

Interrogative sentence expresses a question or a request in polite form. It uses a question mark “?”

Imperative Sentence

Imperative sentence expresses a command, demand, request, direction or instruction. We can think of other functions, however, they all fall into one of those I listed above. For example, advice or invitation.

Join us on a 12-month journey to see them all. (invitation)

Check out the best post-holiday sales before you shop. (advice)

In addition, to summarize all the functions into one – it tells people what to do.

An imperative sentence ends with a period “.” or an exclamation point “!”

Exclamatory Sentence

Exclamatory sentence expresses great emotion such as excitement, surprise, happiness, anger etc. It ends with an exclamation point “!”

Mixed Type

A mixed type might be interrogative-exclamatory sentence ending with “?!”, “!?”, “?!?”, “!?!”

You paid what?!?

Hear this time it is the lower-down folks like analysts!?!

What is that noise?!

Workplace lunch dilemmas: Who pays!?

Why do we need to know this lesson? Because in English, each type has a specific word order. We need know in what order we must place the words to form a sentence. For learners of English this is important. Also, it helps to categorize punctuation signs and their application.

Now we know that it’s 5 types of English sentences.

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