Present Perfect Definition 1: Why “Present” for a past action? QuizBy Watch Lessons / June 20, 2021 Please sign up for the course before taking this quiz. 1. Does Present Perfect express a past action?1 Test on Present Perfect: Why “Present” when it denotes a past action? The Present Perfect Tense is just another logical mistake made by scientists Yes, it's one of its uses No, because it is says "Present", and an action is in the past! 2. Why is the tense called “Present” when the action was carried out in the past?1 Test on Present Perfect: Why “Present” when it denotes a past action? Because the verb "has" indicates the third person which or who has no relation to the past Because the verb "have" is in the present, expressing a "present" possession of a "done" in the past action Because it's so complicated, so let's just call it "Present" and be done with that Complete Quiz Restart Quiz Save Progress Present Perfect Definition 2: The meaning of “perfect” Back to: Present Perfect Definition 1: Why “Present” for a past action?