Past Simple Usage 3: Habitual actions in the past with frequency words QuizBy Watch Lessons / July 21, 2021 Please sign up for the course before taking this quiz. 1. Select the correct sentence1 Past Simple: Signal words describing frequency in the past The company usually deep-sixes any evidence of employee complains when they demanded their rightful 10 minutes breaks The company usually deep-sixed any evidence of employee complains when they demanded their rightful 10 minutes breaks 2. Select the correct sentence1 Past Simple: Signal words describing frequency in the past when our customers struggled with economic hardship, they always browbeat us into changing our prices when our customers struggled with economic hardship, they always make us change our prices Past Simple Usage 2: Complete action at a point in time Past Simple Usage 4: With stative verbs Back to: Past Simple Usage 3: Habitual actions in the past with frequency words