Question words, interrogative words, WH question words, wh-words, interrogative pronouns (all of these mean the same)
All question words you can imagine.
Introduction to Tenses - a must-learn course
In this course we are going to discuss the fundamental principles in tenses. The time concept, the doer of the action, action, verb, difference between them, non-action verb etc.
Present Continuous Tense, also Present Progressive
We call this tense Present Continuous. However, we can use it not only for actions in the present. Not only for actions happening right now. We can use it for future actions instead of using future tenses! We can also use it when all the evidence shows we must use Present Simple, however, we need […]
Present Perfect and Past Simple Compared
When can we not use Present Perfect? When can we use both Present Perfect and Past Simple? When do we prefer to use one? Find all the answers here!
Past Simple Tense
Don't be fooled with the name "Simple" Past Simple and Present Perfect are like twins, it's sometimes difficult to tell them apart, find out why!
Present Perfect Tense
In this course, you will learn about one of the most tricky tenses of the English tense system. This tense denotes a completed action, meaning that the action was carried out in the past, but still, this tense is called “Present.” We also have Past Simple Tense to denote an action that took place in […]
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