Clock time: Future Continuous Tense expresses an action that will be ongoing at a particular time on a clock in the future. Another way to explain:
Future Continuous Tense is used when an action is ongoing at a defined point in time in the future. In our situation here, it’s time on a clock.
We’ll be watching a movie at 2 pm.
We can express a point in time, not only by time on a clock. A point in time (sometimes period of time) can be expressed by another action:
Parallel and perpendicular actions in Future Continuous compared with ongoing actions at a particular time on clock
Another ongoing action in the future (parallel actions is a whole lesson:)
We’ll be watching movies when they are learning new tenses. (Note: use of a present tense for a future action – are learning)
Another non-ongoing action in the future (perpendicular actions is a whole lesson:)
We’ll be watching movies when they come. (Note: use of a present tense for a future action – they come)
Other means to express a point in time in the future
It can be an event, date, time of the day etc. Anything that shows us that there is, or possibly could be a point in time or length of time, and logically, an ongoing or continuous action that could fill this period:
Tomorrow (meaning a significant or some part of it), all day, all morning, for a few hours, from 5 to 6, during his visit, etc. etc.
We will be watching movies all day long!
If we don’t have such an indication of time, whether it’s a point in time or period of time, we normally can infer them from the context.
Also on Future Continuous:
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